Please take note that historical performance should not be viewed as a predictor of future returns. The market valuation of the coin might not comprehensively mirror its underlying asset's net value. Price fluctuations are conceivable, and the potential loss of tokens due to digital mishaps and technical breaches remains a possibility, despite our robust security focus.

The BOOLANA's technical documentation and website are intended solely for general informative purposes. They do not constitute a prospectus, offering memorandum, securities solicitation, investment solicitation, or any form of proposal to vend any product, item, or asset, be it digital or otherwise. The information provided here might not be all-encompassing and does not imply any element of a legally binding agreement. The Base Bingo's smart contract is publicly accessible, subjected to auditing, and unalterable.

The $BOO token has a strict utility function, outlined within this documentation, and should not be interpreted as a "security" in any manner. The user acknowledges and concurs that engaging with, procuring, or utilizing any sort of blockchain and/or cryptographic system, token, platform, software, or interface, including $BOO, inherently carries substantial risk. Furthermore, the user relinquishes any claim against any member of the direct or indirect BOOLANA community for any incurred damages, including complete loss.

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